dijous, 24 d’abril del 2008

My town

I live in Sant Pere Pescador
There are 2 secondary schools. In addition, there are campsites We have beaches, but we have no pool My favorite place in my city is the river La fiesta of my people in the summer is the July 19

dijous, 17 d’abril del 2008

Acrostic poem

In the castel
Near the king

Lived a princess
Of love
Very beautiful girl
Enjoy her dress

dilluns, 14 d’abril del 2008

our places

Tagzania: esostudent


My favorite musik is shakira (( Charle ))

dijous, 3 d’abril del 2008

Hello world

My name is carles

I am fiften yerar old
I live in St Pere Pescador
I like motor bike
I don't like smoking

My favorite music is El canto del loco
My favorite sport is football and tennis
My favorite food is spaghetti . And you ? =)

I have a red motor bike !!! I 'm very happy!!!